Imagine yourself as a city council. One of your tasks will be to tax and subsidize different people. Will you build an equal society where each man gets any help he needs or will you practise eugenics to breed the best men? Will you tax each and everyone and build a police state for the goods of your city or let the society grow by itself?

To play CityScales is the best way to find out such things about yourself.



Each citizen has his own preferences and he observes the city to decide what role to fill in the society


Preferences can be inherited from parents, such as some skills. Use this info to your advantage.


Only a healthy man can do his work. If the man is too healthy, he can decide to find a partner to bring a child to this world. But not every man is skilled enough even to feed himself, But the most skilled one, can feed a family of 5. Use such statistics to your advantage. But don't forget that nothing lasts forever, so as a man, whose life is limited by his aging body.

Reach and shelter

Note by that each man needs a place to rest. So overcrowded city won't bring new children to life. As population is limited by free housing, so is a reach for a place to work. So make sure to have work close to a shelter.


Positive values mean that we subsidize, and negative values mean that we tax the men. Consider that tax of 2 equals to daily ration of a man.

Published 28 days ago
StatusIn development

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